Unraveling the Effects of Nano and Microplastics (NMPs) on Terrestrial Plants : Insights from Research

In recent years, the exploration of nano- and microplastics’ impact on terrestrial ecosystems has gained traction in environmental research, leading to one clear conclusion: MNPs have concrete and tangible negative impacts on plants. Our systematic review, comprising insights from 78 studies, endeavors to decipher the intricate relationship between NMP exposure and the well-being of terrestrial plants.


Central to our analysis is the identification of response patterns and sensitive endpoints amidst the complex interplay between NMPs and plant biology. Across various experimental setups, including hydroponic systems and pot-plant configurations, NMP exposure consistently correlated with diminished germination rates and growth perturbations.


Our findings shed light on the differential susceptibility of plant developmental stages to NMP-induced stressors. Early growth phases, characterized by germination and root development, emerged as particularly vulnerable, while shoot growth exhibited comparatively lower susceptibility.


Furthermore, our review delved into the intricate biochemical responses elicited by NMP exposure, revealing significant perturbations in chlorophyll levels, stress indicators, and antioxidant enzymes within plant tissues.


Perhaps most striking is the realization that these effects manifest even at environmentally relevant concentrations, underscoring the pervasive nature of NMP contamination in terrestrial ecosystems.


However, bridging the gap between laboratory studies and field conditions remains imperative for a comprehensive understanding of the ecological implications of NMP contamination. Only through such endeavors can we formulate robust mitigation strategies and ensure proactive environmental stewardship in the face of emerging challenges.

Read the full study here : https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0048969722083152


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