PAPILLONS amongst EU-funded projects that will help save our soil!

At the European Commission’s website, the European Research Executive Agency showcased several recently funded Horizon 2020 projects that will help to improve soil health and foster more sustainable soil management practices under its #MissionSoil initiative. One of these projects is ours, the PAPILLONS project!

PAPILLONS has been named as one of the projects that can “help revolutionise our knowledge of soil across Europe and the world”.

With its sister proposal, MINAGRIS, PAPILLONS has been grouped under the project, which aim to tackle plastic in our soils. The article writes that “PAPILLONS will provide the first digital European atlas of agricultural plastic use, management and waste production. This atlas will allow to estimate sources of micro and nano plastics in agricultural soils, their behaviour and passage through the soil and their long-term impacts on soil ecosystems and properties. The project will study the effects of traditional and biodegradable polymers in current and future exposure scenarios to assess soil contamination and understand their behaviour and movement in soil and uptake by biota and crops”.

Keeping our soils pollution-free is a top priority. We hope that with our research we can contribute to the health of the EU soils, and that is what we are very much looking forward to do so!!

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